segunda-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2009

Filter magazine...

Aqui ficam as primeiras impressoes da Filter magazine sobre o album Sounds of the Universe...

First Impressions:
-Grinding album opener, "In Chains", is instantly grabbing with its tortured carousel machine music, and assures one that Gahan, Gore and Fletcher are back and have brought a lot to the table this time around. Do these guys even age? You wouldn't have a clue here.

-A haunting synth line that could be a long lost cousin of John Carpenter's brilliant Halloween theme palpitates through the lengthy spine of "Come Back", a mysterious, hypnotic vortex of a track that might just be the very sound at the center of the Mode's universe. A fine instrumental follows in the form of astral "Spacewalker".

-The meandering instrumentation of "Miles Away / The Truth Is" seals the deal that Sounds is a record that follows through.

Key Tracks:

"Come Back", "In Chains", "Miles Away / The Truth Is"


Dave Gahan's voice is as captivating as ever and Martin Gore's songwriting is still in full form. Sounds of the Universe undoubtedly has a tortured soul, but it serves as foolproof evidence that Depeche Mode has no plans for retirement.

3 comentários:

Carlos Gomes disse...

Vintage Depeche Mode em perspectiva, só pode...Esta gente toda não pode estar enganada... ;)

Anónimo disse...

Quando li pela primeira vez os nomes das músicas, achei que duas delas (para mim) iriam ser as mais fortes, achei que seriam as duas músicas que me iam “matar” neste álbum, como aconteceu com NI do álbum anterior.
“Come Back” e “Miles Away/The Truth is” venham elas que estou desejosa de ouvir e perder-me…


Pipa disse...

Assim fica difícil aguentar a ansiedade! :D